Imre Kertész Kolleg Jena
Bookcover The Russian Revolution of 1905 in Transcultural Perspective: Identities, Peripheries, and the Flow of Ideas

Fischer von Weikersthal, Felicitas/ Grüner, Frank/ Hohler, Susanne/ Schedewie, Franziska/ Utz, Raphael (Hrsg.)

The Russian Revolution of 1905 in Transcultural Perspective

Identities, Peripheries, and the Flow of Ideas

Slavica Publishers
ISBN 978-0-89357-408-6
Bloomington, Ind. 2013
343 S.

This volume focuses on the Revolution of 1905 as a critical juncture in modern Russian history and offers a fresh approach by treating the revolution as a transnational and transcultural phenomenon. In five sections, “Shifting Identities,” “Revolution and Civil Society,” “Center and Peripheries,” “The Revolution in Media and Culture,” and “The International Dimension and Flows of Concepts and Ideas,” the essays combine a wide range of analyses to explore transcultural entanglements and expand our understanding of the first Russian Revolution.