(c) Uniwersytet Warszawski
02. October 2019 - 12:00
We are delighted to announce that Włodzimierz Borodziej, professor for Contemporary History at the Historical Institute of the University of Warsaw and Maciej Górny, professor at the Historical Institute of the Polish Academy of Sciences, received the 2019 Karol Modzelewski book prize of the Polish Historical Society for their book "Nasza wojna. Tom II, Narody 1917-1923".
The book prize, which was awarded for the first time, is named after one of the key figures of Poland’s Solidarity movement, Karol Modzelewski, who died in April 2019.
Włodzimierz Borodziej’ and Maciej Górny’s two volume opus on the First World War in Central and Eastern Europe has been translated into German under the title “Der Vergessen Weltkrieg. Europas Osten 1912 - 1923”.
The Kolleg warmly congratulates Włodzimierz Borodziej, the chairman of our academic advisory board, and Maciej Górny, our former fellow, on this great honour.