The monograph series Eastern Europe in the Twentieth Century, published by De Gruyter/ Oldenbourg, holds collected volumes emanating from Kolleg conferences and workshops, as well as monographic studies by staff and affiliated researchers.
The four-volume series The Routledge History Handbook of Central and Eastern Europe in the Twentieth Century summarizes the current state in core research fields from the perspective of internationally renowned scholars. Each volume is devoted to one of the Kolleg’s central research areas: Challenges of Modernity,Statehood, Intellectual Horizons and War, Violence and Oppression.
Cultures of History Forum
The Cultures of History Forum is an online platform for actors and researchers in the areas of public history and memory politics to publish critical analyses and reflections about ongoing debates, museum exhibitions or public policy relating to the history of the twentieth century in the countries of the region of Central Southeastern and Eastern Europe.
Staff Publications
Fellow Publications
Studien zur Geschichte und Wirkung des Holocaust, Vol. 8
Routledge Histories of Central and Eastern Europe
Routledge Studies in Modern European History
International Law and Domestic Legal Orders
Medien der Geschichte
Revue d’études comparatives Est-Ouest
Zeitgeschichte im Gespräch, Band 30