Imre Kertész Kolleg Jena

Oberseminar Osteuropäische Geschichte (Monday Seminar)

We resume the seminar as of 17 April 2023. It is now held in cooperation with the chair of Eastern European History at the Friedrich Schiller University and combines lectures by advances scholars with presentations of undergraduate and graduate students. The seminar takes place on Monday afternoon between 16:00 and 18:00 in the Kolleg's seminar room (Am Planetarium 7). Below please find the list of our programme in the summer term 2023.

→ Programme Archive

Sommersemester 2024

Decommunisation and Derussification Practices in Ukraine since 2022

Viktoriia Nechyporuk

15. April 2024 - 16:00
Venue: seminar room, Am Planetarium 7

Pavlo Skoropadśkyj und die ukrainische politische Emigration in Deutschland zwischen 1919 und 1939

Veronika Weisheimer

29. April 2024 - 16:00
Venue: seminar room, Am Planetarium 7

On Angels and Scumbags. Commemorating Violence, Opposition and Society in Poland

Joachim von Puttkamer

13. May 2024 - 16:00
Venue: seminar room, Am Planetarium 7

Becoming Capitalist in Post-Communist Russia: Individual Adaptation, Neoliberalism, and Psychology

Alexa von Winning

03. June 2024 - 16:00
Venue: seminar room, Am Planetarium 7

Seasonal workers and the transformation of the Soviet countryside in the 1950s–1980s

Kateryna Burkush

10. June 2024 - 16:00
Venue: seminar room, Am Planetarium 7

Abschlussarbeiten: Anne Grab & Henriette Scholz

Grab: Nationalistische Gewalt, Hooligan-Auseinandersetzungen oder staatliches Versagen? Kroatische Berichterstattung zu den Fanausschreitungen beim…

17. June 2024 - 16:00
Venue: seminar room, Am Planetarium 7

Abschlussarbeiten: Sarah Mekki, Elias Schäfer, Alexander Haase & Frederik Ehlert

Mekki: Gewalt an Frauen im Bosnienkrieg, 1992 - 1995

Schaefer: Dialektischer Materialismus und Mechanizismus. Philosophische Debatten in der frühen…

24. June 2024 - 16:00
Venue: seminar room, Am Planetarium 7

Transnational Responses to Babyn Yar: Cultural, Political, and Memorial

Anastasia Felcher

01. July 2024 - 16:00
Venue: seminar room, Am Planetarium 7