October 2023 - September 2024
April - September 2024 funded by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD)
Mail: nataliazaletok(at)gmail(dot)com
Nataliia Zalietok is the Head of the Department for Archival Affairs at the Ukrainian Research Institute of Archival Affairs and Records Keeping (Kyiv, Ukraine). Her studies are mainly dedicated to the investigation of the peculiarities of women’s military service in 20th-21th centuries and research in the field of archival science. She defended her Doctor of Historical Science dissertation at the Institute of History of Ukraine of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (2022).
Nataliia was awarded by the Kyiv Mayor for special achievements of youth in the development of the capital of Ukraine - the hero city of Kyiv in the nomination 'Scientific Achievements' (2021). She is also a winner of the competition 'Young Scholar of the Year 2022' of the Council of Young Scientists of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine (nomination ‘History and Archeology’). Nataliia was a Northwestern Buffett Virtual Visitor in 2022 (Northwestern University, Buffett Institute, United States) and IU-Ukraine Nonresident Scholar in 2022-2023 (Indiana University Bloomington, United States).
The problem of organizing women’s military service is currently one of the most important problems in Ukraine. Although many Ukrainian women have voluntarily chosen a military career, joined the combat units that have been defending Ukraine in the East since 2014, and actively joined the Armed Forces and the Territorial Defence Forces with the outbreak of full-scale war on February 24, 2022, there are many stereotypes about servicewomen that hinder their comfortable service in the army. The Ukrainian government and society often follow the experience of the Soviet era in the treatment of women in the army and the organization of their service. This is reflected in the existence of gender stereotypes, the objectification of female soldiers, harassment, the concealment of their presence on the battlefield, and so on. In this regard, research on the construction of the image of military women in Ukrainian digital media since 2014 is promising not only in terms of value for the development of historiography but may be useful for identifying gender stereotypes towards servicewomen that are constructed, in particular, through the media, as well as for developing recommendations to change public discourse about female soldiers in order to overcome the existing biased attitudes towards them.
Nataliia Zalietok, Zhinky v suspilnomu i politychnomu zhytti Velykoi Brytanii (druha polovyna XIX st. – 1939 r.) [Women in the social and political life of Great Britain (second half of the 19th century - 1939)] (Kyiv: Foliant, 2017).
Nataliia Zalietok, Zhinky na viiskovii sluzhbi u Velykii Brytanii ta SRSR u roky Druhoi svitovoi viiny (Women in the military in Great Britain and the USSR during the Second World War) (Kyiv: Foliant, 2022).
Nataliia Zalietok, ‘British and Soviet Women in the Military Campaign of 1939-45: A Comparative review’, Marine Corps University Journal. Special Issue: Gender Integration (2018): 9-40.
Nataliia Zalietok, ‘The models of work-life balance in Norway in the end of the XX century – the beginning of the XXI century in the context of gender equality’, Skhidnoievropeiskyi Istorychnyi Visnyk [East European Historical Bulletin] 15 (2020): 220–229.
Nataliia Zalietok & Hurzhii Oleksandr, ‘Problema sluzhby zhinok u brytanskii armii v roky Druhoi svitovoi viiny: analiz publichnoho dyskursu V. Cherchyllia' (The Problem of Women’s Service in the British Army During World War II: An Analysis of W. Churchill’s Public Discourse), Ukrainskyi istorychnyi zhurnal 1 (2021): 82-92.
Nataliia Zalietok, ‘Women’s service in the armed forces during World War II in the British and Soviet publications of 1940s’, Ajalooline Ajakiri [The Estonian Historical Journal] 177/178, no. 3/4 (2021): 221-251.
Nataliia Zalietok, ‘The Soviet and British Governments’ Policies Concerning Participation of Women in Paramilitary Organizations of the Interwar Period’, Ukrainskyi istorychnyi zhurnal 1 (2022): 127-136.
Nataliia Zalietok, ‘British and Soviet male veterans’ perception of the issue of women’s military service in the Second World War’, Český Časopis Historický [The Czech Historical Review] 3-4 (2022): 747-775.
Nataliia Zalietok, ‘What Soviet Periodicals Can Tell Us About the Propaganda on the Women’s Service in the USSR’s Armed Forces (1941-1945)’, Plural. History. Culture. Society 11, no. 1 (2023): 60-87.