June - July 2022
Mail: milan.ristovic1953(at)gmail(dot)com
Prof. Dr. Milan Ristović was born in Priština, Serbia, in 1953. In 1977 he graduated from the Department of Contemporary History, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Belgrade. From the same department in 1981 he received his MA and in 1991 his PhD with a dissertation titled 'The German "New Order" and Southeastern Europe, 1940/41-1944/45: Experience and Plans for the Future'. He previously held a fellowship at the Kolleg from September until December 2014.
From 1978 to 1989 Ristović was an assistant at the Institute for Contemporary History at the University of Belgrade. In 1990 he joined the Department of History there as a faculty member. In 1991 he was promoted to Assistant Professor of General Modern History; in 1998 he was promoted to Associate Professor; and since 2002 he has been Full Professor, serving as Head of the History Department from 2002 to 2004, and 2004 on as Head of the Chair for General Modern History. Ristović is a co-founder and the managing editor of Godišnjak za društvenu istoriju - Annual for Social History; since 1998 he has served as Head of the Society for Social History in Belgrade.
Nemački 'novi poredak' i jugoistočna Evropa: 1940/41-1944/45: planovi o budućnosti i praksa [The German 'New Order' and southeastern Europe 1940/41-1944/45. Plans for the future and practice], Belgrade: Vojnoizdavački i novinski centar, 1991.
У потрази за уточиштем: југословенски Јевреји у бекству од холокауста 1941-1945 [In search of refuge: Yugoslav Jews fleeing the Holocaust 1941-1945], Belgrade: Službeni list, 1998.
Dug povratak kući: deca izbeglice iz Grčke u Jugoslaviji: 1948-1960, Belgrade: Udruženje za društvenu istoriju and Čigoja štampa, 1998. (Published in English translation as Long journey Home: Greek Refugee Children in Yugoslavia, 1948-1960, Thessaloniki: Institute for Balkan Studies, 2000).
Обични људи : прилози за историју [Ordinary people: supplements to history] Belgrade: Geopoetika, 1999.
Црни Петар и балкански разбојници : Балкан и Србија у немачким сатиричним часописима 1903-1918/Black Peter and the Balkan Brigands: The Balkans and Serbia in German Satirical Magazines, 1903-1918, Belgrade: Udruženje za društvenu istoriju and Čigoja štampa, 2003 (published bilingually in English and Serbian). (Forthcoming in German translation as Schwarzer Peter und die Räuber vom Balkan. Themen über den Balkan und Serbien in deutschen satirischen Zeitschriften 1903-1918, Vienna: Lit Verlag).
Експеримент Буљкес: грчка утопија у Југославији: 1945-1949 [The Bulkes Experiment: a 'Greek Republic' in Yugoslavia, 1945-1949], Novi Sad: Platoneum, 2007. (Published in Greek translation as То περιαμα Μπουλκες. 'Η Ελληνικη Δημοκρατια' στιν Γιουγοσλαβια 1945-1949, Thessaloniki: Kyriakidis Bros., 2006).
with Milan Fogel and Milan Koljanin, Righteous among the Nations - Serbia, Belgrade: Jevrejska opština Zemun, 2010.
with Marko Popović and Miroslav Timotijević, Историја приватног живота у Срба: од средњег века до савременог доба [History of private life in Serbia from the Middle Ages to modern times]. Belgrade: Clio, 2011.
Turska osmatračnica: jugoslovensko-turski odnosi u Drugom svetskom ratu i njihov balkanski kontekst [Turkish Watchtower: Yugoslav-Turkish Relations during the econd World War and their Balkan contexts], Belgrade: Udruženje za društvenu istoriju and Čigoja štampa, 2013.