Imre Kertész Kolleg Jena

Professor Alexei Miller

Fellow Alexei Miller

June - August 2015
Mail millera(at)ceu(dot)edu

Doctor of Science (Habilitation) in History – Russian State University for Humanities, Moscow, 2000. Dissertation: The Ukrainian Question in the Politics of Imperial Authorities and in Russian Public Opinion, 1850-1880s
Candidate of Science (History) – Institute for Slavic and Balkan Studies, 1986. Dissertation: Ideology and Politics of Polish Conservatives in the Habsburg Monarchy in 1860s - 1870s
MA - Moscow State University, Department of History, 1976-1981


Research project at the Kolleg

Memory Politics in Russia in the Context of the Ukrainian Crisis

The project explores what has changed in Russian politics of memory since 2014. It looks at changes in institutional infrastructure, in roles of expert communities and commemorative strategies, as well as discoursive shifts. It also analyzes the strengthening of political control over discussions about the past. It aims to show that prior to 2014, Russian memory politics was mostly reactive vis-à-vis the memory politics of her neighbours. It further looks at what became the main changes in Russian politics of memory in the context of crisis - including the changing narratives in Russian-Ukrainian and Russian-German historical relations.

Main areas of research

  • Politics of memory
  • Comparative history of empires
  • Russian history (19-20th century)
  • History of concepts

Positions and memberships

  • Professor, European University, St-Petersburg (since 2014)
  • Recurrent visiting professor, Central European University (Budapest), Department of History (half-time, since 1993)


The Romanov Empire and Nationalism: Essays in Methodology of Historical Research. NY–Budapest: CEU Press, 2008.The

Ukrainian Question: The Russian Empire and Nationalism in the Nineteenth Century. NY–Budapest: CEU Press, 2003.

Украинский вопрос в Российской империи. [The Ukrainian question in the Russian Empire]. Kiev: Laurus, 2013.

Miller, Alexei, and Georgii Kasianov. Россия – Украина: как пишется история. [Russia-Ukraine: how history is being written]. Moscow: RGGU, 2011.

Империя Романовых и национализм. [The Romanov Empire and Nationalism. Revised and enlarged edition]. (2006; 2nd edn, Мoscow, НЛО, 2010).

Miller, Alexei, M. Dolbilov, et al. Западные окраины Российской империи. [The Western Borderlands of the Russian Empire]. Мoscow, НЛО, 2006.

Национализм и империя. [Nationalism and Empire]. Moscow, ОГИ, 2005.

Украинский вопрос в политике властей и русском общественном мнении (вторая половина 19 в.) [Imperial Authorities, Russian Public Opinion and Ukrainian Question (second half of the 19th century)]. Sankt-Petersburg: Aletheia, 2000.

Edited volumes

Miller, Alexei, and Stefan Berger, eds. Nationalizing Empire (NY–Budapest: CEU Press, 2015).

Miller, Alexei, and Maria Lipman, eds. The Convolutions of Historical Politics (NY–Budapest: CEU Press, 2012).

Miller, Alexei, and Alfred J. Rieber, eds. Imperial Rule (NY–Budapest: CEU Press, 2004).

Miller, Alexei, Ingrid Schierle, and Denis Sdvizkov, eds. «Понятия о России». К исторической семантике имперского периода. [Historical Semantics of Imperial Russia] Vol. 1, p. 575, Vol. 2, p. 492. Мoscow, НЛО, 2012.

Miller, Alexei, and Maria Lipman, eds. Историческая политика в 21 веке. [History Politics in the 21st century]. Мoscow: НЛО, 2012.

Miller, Alexei, Martin Aust, and Ricarda Vulpius, eds. Imperium inter pares. Роль трансферов в истории Российской империи. [The Role of Transfers in Russian Imperial History] Мoscow: НЛО, 2010.

Наследие империй и будущее России. [The Legacy of Empires and the Future of Russia] Мoscow: НЛО, 2008.

Miller, Alexei, Petr Kabytov, and Paul Werth, eds. «Российская империя в зарубежной историографии». [“The Russian Empire in Foreign Historiography. (Anthology selection, comments and editing)]. Moscow: Новое издательство, 2005.

Российская империя в сравнительной перспективе. [The Russian Empire in Comparative Perspective]. Moscow: Новое издательство, 2004.

Регионализация посткоммунистической Европы. [Regionalism in Post-Communist Europe]. Moscow: ИНИОН, 2001.

Miller, Alexei, Boris Floria, and Vladimir Reprintsev, eds. Россия - Украина: история взаимоотношений. [Russia – Ukraine, History of relations]. Moscow: Языки русской культуры, 1997.

Центральная Европа как исторический регион. [Central Europe as a Historical region] Moscow: Institute for Slavic Studies, 1996.

Miller, Alexei, and Tofic Islamov, eds. Австро-Венгрия. Опыт многонационального государства. [Austria-Hungary as a Multinational State]. Moscow: Institute for Slavic Studies, 1995.

Национализм и формирование наций. Теории-модели-концепции. [Nationalism and Nation-Formation. Theories–Models–Concepts] Moscow: Institute for Slavic Studies, 1994.


‘Nation and Empire: Reflections on the Margins of Geoffrey Hosking’s Book.’ Kritika, Explorations in Russian and Eurasian History 13, no. 2 (Spring 2012): 419-428.

‘Macht und Geschichte: Geschichtspolitik in Russland.’ Strategien der Geschichtspolitik nach 1989. Deutschland, Frankreich und Polen im internationalen Vergleich, ‘Moderne europäische Geschichte’ ser., Edited by Hannes Siegrist and Stefan Troebst (Göttingen: Wallstein publishing house, 2011).

‘Identite et allegiance dans la politique linguistique de l'Empire russe dans les territoires peripheriques occidentaux au cours de la seconde moitie du XIXe siècle,’ Cacophonies d'empire. Le gouvernement des langues dans l'Empire russe et l'Union sovietique. [Eds, Juliette Cadiot, Dominique Arel, and Larissa Zakharova]. (Paris: CNRS Editions. 2010): 37-60.

‘“The Damned Polish Question” – The Romаnov Empire and the Polish Urisings of 1830-31 and 1863-64,’ Comparing Empires: Encounters and Transfers in the Long Nineteenth Century. [Eds, Joern Leonhardt and Ulrike von Hirschhausen]. (Goettingen: Vandenhoek and Ruprecht, 2010): 425-453.