Imre Kertész Kolleg Jena

Professor Tetiana Hoshko

May - September 2023

Tetiana Hoshko is a professor at the History Department of the Ukrainian Catholic University (Lviv). Her studies deal mainly with the early modern history of the Ruthenian (Ukrainian) lands within Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. She defended her Doctor of Historical Science dissertation at the Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv (2019). She is the head of the Historical and Anthropological Seminar at the History Department of UCU and the co-head of the Ukrainian-Polish seminar "Cities of East-Central Europe in the 14th-18th centuries". Tetiana was awarded several fellowships, including Non-Residential Fellowships for Scholars from Ukraine (Institute for Human Sciences (IWM) in Vienna, 2023), research fellowships of the History Department of the University of Münster (2022), German Historical Institute in Warsaw (2021-2022), Canadian Institute of Ukrainian Studies, University of Alberta (2008-2009, 2013, 2020), Polish National Commission for UNESCO (2011), Shklar Fellowship at the Ukrainian Research Institute, Harvard University (2005), etc. Also, she was a consultant to the research project The Jagiellonians: Dynasty, Memory, Identity (Oxford University, 2015).

Research project at the Kolleg

Ukrainian Post-war Academic Emigration: Scholars in Search of Professional Realization, 1945-1955

The project aimsto study the activity of Ukrainian scholars in exile in the late 1940s and early 1950s and their strategies for inclusion in academic life in Western Europe, the United States, and Canada or closure in the Ukrainian scholarly environment. I will discuss two parallel processes: the emigrants’ attempts to restore the old academic institutions, often accompanied by the resuscitation of the old political and personal conflicts, and their attempts to integrate into Western professional environments. The focus will be on Ukrainian historians and lawyers, and their participation in developing Ukrainian scholarly institutions in exile. Some of them moved to the American continent, and some stayed in Europe (Germany, France, Belgium, etc.). However, close cooperation, joint projects, exchange of experience, and mutual aid continued to exist between the different groups of researchers who initially clustered around UVU in Prague and Munich. An important question is how these people adjusted their lives, how family members perceived the move and new circumstances, and how male scholars were helped by their wives, who often compared the situation in which they lived in the past with what awaited them in the new place. The female view of the new life, which they articulated in personal correspondence, often illuminates the new realities of life in more detail than the male one. In addition to academic goals, the project has a societal dimension, determined by the importance of the problem of integration of immigrants into a new society.

Main areas of research

  • German town law in East-Central Europe
  • Historical anthropology of early modern towns and town law
  • History and historiography of Ruthenian lands within the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth
  • Ukrainian academic emigration after World War II

Positions and memberships

  • Professor at the Department of History, Ukrainian Catholic University (since 2020)
  • Member of Shevchenko Scientific Society


Тетяна Гошко, Звичай і права, т. 1: Антропологія міст і міського права на руських землях у XIV – першій половині XVII століття (Київ: Критика, 2019) [Custom and Rights, vol. 1: The Anthropology of Towns and Town Law in the Ruthenian Lands from the 14th to the Mid-17th Century].

Тетяна Гошко, Нариси з історії магдебурзького права в Україні XIV – поч. XVII ст. (Львів: Афіша, 2002) [Essays on the History of Magdeburg Law in Ukraine in the 14th – Mid-17th Century].

Тетяна Гошко, Міське самоврядування на українських землях у XIV-XVI ст. (Прага: Research Support Scheme, 2000) [Municipal Self-government in the Ukrainian Lands in the14th-16th Centuries].

Edited volume

Тетяна Гошко, Хрестоматія з історії України литовсько-польської доби (Львів: Видавництво Українського Католицького Університету, 2011) [Textbook on the History of Ukraine during the Lithuanian-Polish Era].

Articles (journals)

Тетяна Гошко, ‘У пошуках нового дому: з листів Андрія Яковліва до Льва Окіншевича’, Вісник Харківського національного університету імені В.Н.Каразіна. Серія Історія 59 (2021): 121-165.

Тетяна Гошко, ‘Образ ідеального міщанина в уявленні міщан XVI – початку XVII ст. (на матеріалах міст руських земель Корони Польскої)’, Соціум. Альманах соціальної історії 15-16 (2020): 237-272.

Тетяна Гошко, ‘Уявлення про старість у містах річпосполитівського простору на межі середньовіччя та ранньомодерної доби’, Вісник Київського національного університету ім. Тараса Шевченка. Історія 1(136) (2018): 18-28.

Тетяна Гошко, ‘Уявлення про дитинство в кодексах міського права Речі Посполитої XVI – початку XVII ст.’, Місто: історія, культура, суспільство. Е-журнал урбаністичних студій 4 (2017): 37-56.

Тетяна Гошко, ‘Жебраки у руських містах XV – першої половини XVII ст.’, Україна в Центрально-Східній Європі 17 (2017): 462-490.

Тетяна Гошко, ‘Саксонське Зерцало: символи і метафори’, Український історичний журнал 2 (2017): 126-142.

Tetiana Hoško, ‘Współczesna historiografia ukraińska o miastach na prawie magdeburskim (ośrodek lwowski)’, Kwartalnik Historii Kultury Materialnej 2 (2014): 267-283.

Articles (books)

Tetiana Hoshko, ‘The Jagiellonians in Ukrainian Traditions’, in Remembering the Jagiellonians, edited by Natalia Nowakowska (London and New York: Routledge, 2018), 183-204.

Tetiana Hoshko, ‘Sejm Constitutions as Sources for the History of Ruthenian Cities of Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth’, in Proceeding of the 1st Congress of International Eastern European Studies (CIEES) 2018: Concept, Sources and Methodology European Studies, edited by Yücel Üztürk and Nuri Kaval (Eskisehir, 2018), 317-330.