funded by the German-Polish Academic Foundation
Mail nowakowska.agni(at)gmail(dot)com
Agnieszka Nowakowska is writing her PhD dissertation at the Institute of Sociology, University of Warsaw. In 2012, she was awarded a fellowship for visiting researchers by The Georg Eckert Institute for International Textbook Research (GEI) in Braunschweig, Germany. In that same year, she was awarded a scholarship from Mazovia Voivodeship for PhD students. In 2011, thanks to a research scholarship from the Polish government, she was able to conduct her PhD research in Vilnius, Lithuania. She graduated from the Institute of Sociology and the Institute of History at the University of Warsaw. Both her master’s theses, written under the supervision of prof. Marcin Kula, have been published.
Since 2010, Agnieszka Nowakowska has been working on her PhD project entitled, “Jogaila vs. Vytautas. History teaching at schools with Polish and Lithuanian languages of instruction in Lithuania”. It is a comparative study of narratives of the common past, transmitted at schools in Poland and in Lithuania. Her work aims to describe how collective memory is conveyed through educational institutions that contribute to the policy of identity of ethnic and national groups, and further explores which vision of the past corresponds with the present needs of the state.
Agnieszka Nowakowska, “Między polskością a sowieckością. Szkoły polskie w Wilnie w latach siedemdziesiątych XX wieku” [Between being Polish and soviet. Process of socialisation in Polish schools in Vilnius in the seventies of 20th century], in: Agnieszka Nowakowska, Zofia Wóycicka, Etniczna polityka komunistów. Dwa casusy. [Ethnic Policy of Communists. Two cases]; (Warszawa: TRIO, 2010).
Agnieszka Nowakowska, “W szkole, w pracy i w urzędzie. Obecność języka litewskiego w przestrzeni publicznej zamieszkiwanej przez mniejszosc litewska w Polsce” [Lithuanian language in a public sphere inhabited by Lithuanian minority in Poland] in: Litwini [Lithuanians], edited by Lech M. Nijakowski (Warszawa: Wydawnictwo Sejmowe, Komisja Mniejszosci Narodowych i Etnicznych Sejmu RP, 2013).
Agnieszka Nowakowska, “W obronie narodowej tożsamosci. Organizacje mniejszosci litewskiej dzialające w Polsce” (Lithuanian minority's NGO’s in Poland) in: Litwini [Lithuanians], edited by Lech M. Nijakowski (Warszawa: Wydawnictwo Sejmowe, Komisja Mniejszosci Narodowych i Etnicznych Sejmu RP, 2013).
Agnieszka Nowakowska, “Konflikt pamięci grupy większościowej i mniejszościowej. Spór o budowę pomnika Prawosławnym Mieszkańcom Białostocczyzny Zabitym, Zamordowanym i Zamęczonym w latach 1939-1956 w Białymstoku” [Conflict of remembrance between majority and minority groups. Dispute over erection of monument commemorating Orthodox Inhabitants of the Bialystok Region who were Killed, Murdered, Missing and Martyred between 1939 and 1956 in Bialystok), in Było, nie minęło. Studia o działaniu z historią w tle, edited by Marcin Kula (Warszawa: Sedno, 2012).
Agnieszka Nowakowska, “Litewska szkoła etniczna w Polsce – izolacja w obronie tożsamosci” [Lithuanian ethnic school in Poland – isolation in defence of identity], Pogranicze. Studia Spoleczne XXII (2013): 157-170.