Imre Kertész Kolleg Jena
Bookcover Német múltfeldolgozás. Beszélgetések történészekkel a huszadik század kulcskérdéseirő

Laczó Ferenc

Német múltfeldolgozás

Beszélgetések történészekkel a huszadik század kulcskérdéseirő

ISBN 978-615-5160-54-7
Budapest 2016

The present volume includes eleven conversations with significant historians of the recent German past. These conversations, all of which were conducted between 2011 and 2015, focus on the historical and historiographical process of dealing with the Nazi past and the Holocaust. Several of them also offer insights into German-Jewish history and historiography while others address the current state and potential of comparative genocide studies. Each conversation opens with a brief sketch of the personal background and intellectual socialization of the interviewee, followed by questions about his scholarly biography and intellectual profile, and then tackles contested issues in historical studies and processes of remembrance. Shedding original light on the key findings as well as rather divergent approaches of reputed historians, the volume ultimately aims to contribute to a more nuanced understanding of how central topics related to the history and memory of Nazi Germany and the Holocaust have been researched, interpreted and debated in recent years - and thereby also to a more realistic assessment of the 'German model of dealing with the past.'

The interviewees are Frank Bajohr, Michael Brenner, Norbert Frei, Christian Gerlach, Raphael Gross, Volkhard Knigge, Lutz Niethammer, Kiran Klaus Patel, Dieter Pohl, Dan Stone, Jürgen Zimmerer.

The link to the part of the foreword to the volume: Laczó Ferenc interjúkötetében a vészkorszakkal kapcsolatos német múltfeldolgozásról kérdezett német történészeket. E kötet előszavát olvashatják az alábbiakban.