Imre Kertész Kolleg Jena
Bookcover Tito

Ivo Goldstein, Slavko Goldstein


Profil knjiga
ISBN 978-95-3313-417-8
Zagreb 2015
930 pages, hardcover

Po našem mišljenju uspjesi pretežu nad promašajima, iako ne zanemarujemo ni Titove kardinalne slabosti, pa ni odgovornost za počinjena nedjela u nekim razdobljima njegove vladavine. Naša dužnost i naš cilj u ovoj knjizi bili su da prezentiramo svu kompleksnost jedne iznimne ličnosti i vremena u kojem je ona živjela i djelovala.

[... And while some will always remain "purple white", others will be a red devil.
Well-informed historians will be able to analyze his [Tito’s] good and bad sides, his achievements and triumphs, his mistakes and defeats (losses?). In our opinion the successes outweigh the failures, although we do not ignore Tito's cardinal weakness, nor the [his?] responsibility for the perpetration of crimes in certain periods of his rule. Our commitment in and our goal for this book was to present all the complexities of an exceptional personality and the time he lived and acted in.]