Imre Kertész Kolleg Jena

Fellow Publications

Kornelia Kończal & Joanna Wawrzyniak

Stefan Czarnowski

Listy do Henri Huberta i Marcela Maussa (1905-1937)

Oficyna Naukowa
ISBN 978-83-6436-316-0
Warszawa 2015
448 pages

Published now for the first time, Czarnowski's correspondence between 1905 and 1937 with his French mentors Henri Hubert and Marcel Mauss traces the path of Durkheimian sociology from the cosmopolitan milieu of pre-WWI Paris to interwar Warsaw and Europe's new, post-Versailles dispensation. Czarnowski's letters not only document these important intellectual friendships, they invite a new interpretation of the history of sociology in light of its origins and with a view to the international context of early-twentieth-century Polish humanism.