The following section contains collected volumes emanating from the conferences and workshops held at the Imre Kertész Kolleg since its inception. Here you will find our most recent publications with Routledge (Taylor & Francis Group) as well as contributions by staff and affiliated researchers to our monograph series ‘Eastern Europe in the Twentieth Century’, published by De Gruyter/ Oldenbourg.
Eastern Europe in the Twentieth Century, Vol. 1
Die Bandbreite und Prominenz der internationalen Beiträger aus Wissenschaft, Museen, Publizistik und Politik spiegeln die Internationalität und Exzellenz des Kollegs: Wlodzimierz Borodziej (Warschau/Jena), Jan Culík (Glasgow), Taja Vovk van Gaal (Brüssel), Constanze Itzel (Brüssel), Volkhard Knigge (Weimar), Pawel Machcewicz (Warschau/Danzig), Adam Michnik (Warschau), Joachim von Puttkamer (Jena), Milan Ristovic (Belgrad), Irina Scherbakowa (Moskau), Maria Todorova (Urbana Champaign), Stefan Troebst (Leipzig)
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